Bug 828 : 0142 "cannot parse error text" and -Xlint:unchecked on non-English systems
Last modified: 2008-07-27 20:05



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see the pic please image/pjpeg 2008-06-19 19:23 140.93 KB

Description:   Opened: 2008-06-19 01:22
still get same error as before(0140,0141), really no idea about this

cannot parse error text caution:c:\docume~1\locals~1\temp\bla..bla.....

\Temp\build12318.tmp\Temporary_1556_121 uses unchecked or unsafe operations.

Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
Additional Comment #1 From fry 2008-06-19 12:10
weird, can you post the code that causes the error?
Additional Comment #2 From liquid 2008-06-19 19:01
all my code are fine,however when i run the code from the v3ga examples,they can't
be work,arraylist causing this?

here's the code

/* ****************************************************

Atelier Processing / Cras / 12-13 Avril 2008

Julien 'v3ga' Gachadoat

**************************************************** */

ArrayList mesPoints;
boolean frameBlending = false;

void setup()

mesPoints = new ArrayList();

void draw()
if (frameBlending)


int nbPoints = mesPoints.size();
MonPoint p;
for (int i=0;i<nbPoints;i++)
p = (MonPoint) mesPoints.get(i);

// dessin des lignes (proximites)
MonPoint pi,pj;
for (int i=0;i<nbPoints;i++)
pi = (MonPoint)mesPoints.get(i);
for (int j=i;j<nbPoints;j++)
pj = (MonPoint)mesPoints.get(j);
if (pi.estPresAutrePoint(pj))

void mouseDragged()
ajouteNouveauPoint(mouseX, mouseY);

void ajouteNouveauPoint(int x, int y)
MonPoint p = new MonPoint();
p.x = x;
p.y = y;


void keyPressed()
if (key=='f' || key == 'F')
frameBlending = !frameBlending;

class MonPoint
float largeur; // largeur
float hauteur; // hauteur
float x; // position x
float y; // position y
float vx; // vitesse sur l'axe des x
float vy; // vitesse sur l'axe des y

// Constructeur
// Fonction appel宸? lors de la cr宸僼ion d'un
// objet via la commande "new"
// Noter que la d宸塱nition (ou signature) n'est pas
// pr宸嗗穱? d'un mot cl? void, int, ou autre.
// exemple : r = new MonRectangle()
// Il est g宸掑窎alement recommand? d'initialiser les
// variables membres d'une class dans son constructeur
// Emploi du mot cl? this : this est une r宸夊窎ence vers l'instance courante
// de la classe.
this.x = width/2;
this.y = height/2;
this.largeur = 5;
this.hauteur = 5;
this.vx = random(-4,4);
this.vy = random(-4,4);

// M宸榟ode anime: son 宸唕iture est la m鎭梕 que celle d'une fonction
// Grace au mot cl? this, on va pouvoir acc宸噀r aux membres (x,y,vx,vy)
void anime()
this.x = this.x + this.vx;
this.y = this.y + this.vy;

if (this.x< this.largeur/2)
this.x = this.largeur/2;
this.vx *= -1;

if (this.x> width-this.largeur/2)
this.x = width - this.largeur/2;
this.vx *= -1;

if (this.y< this.hauteur/2)
this.y = this.hauteur/2;
this.vy *= -1;

if (this.y> height-this.hauteur/2)
this.y = height - this.hauteur/2;
this.vy *= -1;


// M宸榟ode dessine: son 宸唕iture est la m鎭梕 que celle d'une fonction
// Grace au mot cl? this, on va pouvoir acc宸噀r aux membres (x,y,vx,vy)
void dessine()
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.largeur, this.hauteur);

boolean estPresAutrePoint(MonPoint p)
return dist(this.x,this.y,p.x,p.y)<=30;

Additional Comment #3 From fry 2008-06-19 19:10
that code doesn't reproduce the bug for me. it prints the full error text
to the console, which includes two lines that start with "Note:" that can
be safely ignored. but no "cannot parse error text" message. are you sure
that's the code?
Additional Comment #4 From liquid 2008-06-19 19:22
(In reply to comment #3)
> Additional Comment #3 From fry 2008-06-19 19:10 [reply] that code doesn't
reproduce the bug for me. it prints the full error textto the console, which includes two
lines that start with "Note:" that canbe safely ignored. but no "cannot parse error
text" message. are you surethat's the code?

yes,i'm very sure. i've been testing for serval times,also i running it within the 0136
which is just fine. btw,again,my machine is chinese language
Additional Comment #5 From liquid 2008-06-19 19:23
see the pic please

that's what happened after i clicked the run
Additional Comment #6 From fry 2008-06-19 20:13
oh, now i see the problem.. it's not saying "note" and "caution", it's
saying those in chinese. ;-)

i'll take care of that for the next release.
Additional Comment #7 From liquid 2008-06-19 20:24
yeah,right...........hehe,sorry for the confuse,note and caution i just translate into
english........anyway,sort it! thxs

Additional Comment #8 From flier_lu 2008-06-22 19:59
I find same error in Processing 0142 with jre 6 update 5

After analyze the temporary java file, I believe it caused by generic library.
As you known, Java 5 introduce generic collection, which can provide
compiled time type safe collection. But processing automatic generated
code doesn't use this mechanism, so when generated code to call some method
of collection, java compiler will give us some suggest.

To reproduce it, you can compile a automatic generated code in java 5 or
later version without -Xlint:unchecked parameter.

To solve it, you can direct add a -Xlint:unchecked for compile, and ignore
the warning, because the logic in generator will ensure the correctness.

You can check more detail discussion
Additional Comment #9 From fry 2008-06-22 20:03
Yes, I know what the errors mean. The problem is that it's not picking up
non-English translations for "Note" and "Caution".
Additional Comment #10 From flier_lu 2008-07-02 02:02
So, could you provide some workaround to add a parameter to compile it? Are
there any hidden key can insert -Xlint:unchecked for compile?
Additional Comment #11 From fry 2008-07-19 15:59
only workaround is to use 0135 until i have a chance to finish fixing it. a
partial fix will be in release 0143. but i should be able to get it
completely fixed soon since it's a high priority.
Additional Comment #12 From fry 2008-07-27 20:05
fixed for 0143.