Bug 1211 : 3D transparent panel refuses to fill with colour
Last modified: 2009-03-17 09:58

DUPLICATE of bug 1212


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Description:   Opened: 2009-03-17 08:24
I have constructed a 3D construct made up of discrete panels made up with
beginShape/endShape. These panels could be coloured with the function fill().
However, the panel to which a "red handle" is attached, refuses to accept
colouring no matter what one does, and obstinately remains transparent. The
code demonstrating this bug is attached. Note that the code compiles and
runs, but the panel in question refuses to accept colour.

0148 Beta
XP Professional
Pentium IV (3 GHz), 504MB RAM

The code is as follows:

void setup() {
size(700, 512, P3D);

background (255) ;
strokeWeight (1);

xValues = new float [5] [20] ;
yValues = new float [5] [20] ;
zValues = new float [5] [20] ;

float zBaseline = -200 ;

float [][] xValues, yValues, zValues;

float y = 8 ; /// y=170 (rotate Y) to see spout colour problem
(zBaseline = -110)

void draw () {

background (255) ;
// camera(width*(2), height/2.0, (height/2.0) / tan(PI*60.0 / 360.0),
width/2.0, height/2.0, 0, 0, 1, 0); // default values

y = y+1 ; println ("y = " + y) ;
if (y==24) {y = 7 ;}
//camera (width/2.0, height/2.0, (height/2.0) / tan(PI*60.0 / 360.0),
width/2.0, height/2.0, 200, 0, 1, 0);

// rotateZ ((PI/24)* (y/2));
// rotateX (PI/2) ;
rotateX ((PI/24)*(y/2));
// rotateY ((PI/24)*(18));

Layer (125, 40, 4) ; // top layer (float yBaseline, int hyp, int layer)
Layer (150, 40, 3) ;
Layer (215, 150, 2) ;
Layer (300, 150, 1) ;
Layer (350, 90, 0) ; // bottom layer

stroke (0) ;

for (int r=0 ; r < 4 ; r ++) { // where 'r' represents layer

for (int s=0 ; s < 12 ; s++) { // loop to draw one layer's facets

int q = 0 ;
if (s !=11) {
q = s + 1 ;

if (r==0) {fill (255, 225, 0) ; } // fill with yellow
if (r==1) {fill (200, 225, 0) ; } // fill with green
if (r==2) {fill (200, 200, 0) ; } // fill with dark green

panel (r, r+1, s, q) ; // println ("r , s, q ---> " + r + ", " + s + "
," + q);

stroke (0) ;

fill (200);

spout() ;

fill (255,0,0);

void handle() {

float thinner = 10 ; int Panel = 11 ;
int handleDepth = 50; float GripThinner = thinner + 15 ;

println (xValues [2] [0] + " , " + zValues [2] [0]);
println (xValues [2] [1] + " , " + zValues [2] [1]);

beginShape(); // upper surface of handle
vertex (xValues [2] [Panel], 240, (zValues [2] [Panel]-thinner));
vertex (xValues [2] [Panel] - handleDepth, 240, (zValues [2]
vertex ((xValues [2] [0]) - handleDepth, 240, (zValues [2]
[0])+GripThinner) ;
vertex (xValues [2] [0], 240, (zValues [2] [0]+thinner)) ;
endShape(CLOSE) ;

beginShape(); // lower surface of handle
vertex (xValues [2] [Panel], 275, (zValues [2] [Panel]-thinner));
vertex (xValues [2] [Panel] - handleDepth, 275, (zValues [2]
vertex ((xValues [2] [0]) - handleDepth, 275, (zValues [2]
[0])+GripThinner) ;
vertex (xValues [2] [0], 275, (zValues [2] [0]+thinner)) ;
endShape(CLOSE) ;

beginShape(); // handle grip (closure)
vertex (xValues [2] [Panel] - handleDepth, 275, (zValues [2]
vertex ((xValues [2] [0]) - handleDepth, 275, (zValues [2]
[0])+GripThinner) ;
vertex ((xValues [2] [0]) - handleDepth, 240, (zValues [2]
[0])+GripThinner) ;
vertex (xValues [2] [Panel] - handleDepth, 240, (zValues [2]
endShape(CLOSE) ;


void spout() {

float zMax = -50 ; float zLow = -35 ;
fill (200) ;

beginShape(); // lower surface of spout
vertex (xValues [2] [5], 275.0, zValues [2] [5]); // bottom corner Low1
vertex (xValues [2] [6], 275.0, zValues [2] [6]); // bottom corner Low2
vertex ((width/2)+190, 200, zBaseline - zMax) ; // top corner High2
vertex ((width/2)+190, 200, zBaseline - zLow) ; // top corner High1
endShape(CLOSE) ;

beginShape(); // upper surface of spout
vertex (xValues [2] [5], 260, zValues [2] [5]); // bottom corner Low8
vertex (xValues [2] [6], 260, zValues [2] [6]); // bottom corner Low9
vertex ((width/2)+180, 200, zBaseline - zMax) ; // top corner High9
vertex ((width/2)+180, 200, zBaseline - zLow) ; // top corner High8
endShape(CLOSE) ;

beginShape(); // distant surface of spout
vertex (xValues [2] [5], 275.0, zValues [2] [5]); // bottom corner Low1
vertex (xValues [2] [5], 260, zValues [2] [5]); // bottom corner Low8

vertex ((width/2)+180, 200, zBaseline - zLow) ; // top corner High9
vertex ((width/2)+190, 200, zBaseline - zLow) ; // top corner High2

endShape(CLOSE) ;

beginShape(); // nearest surface of spout
vertex (xValues [2] [6], 275.0, zValues [2] [6]); // bottom corner Low2
vertex (xValues [2] [6], 260, zValues [2] [6]); // bottom corner Low9
vertex ((width/2)+180, 200, zBaseline - zMax) ; // top corner High8
vertex ((width/2)+190, 200, zBaseline - zMax) ; // top corner High1
endShape(CLOSE) ;


void panel (int layerA, int layerB, int start, int next) {
vertex(xValues [layerA] [start], yValues [layerA] [start], zValues [layerA]
vertex(xValues [layerB] [start], yValues [layerB] [start], zValues [layerB]
vertex(xValues [layerB] [next], yValues [layerB] [next], zValues [layerB]
vertex(xValues [layerA] [next], yValues [layerA] [next], zValues [layerA]

void Layer(float yBaseline, int hyp, int layer) {

for (int increment = 0 ; increment < 12 ; increment++){
float tetha = ((PI/12) + (TWO_PI/12) * increment) ;
float deg = degrees(tetha); // println ("the angle is " + deg + " whilst
the increment is " + increment);

float adjacent = hyp * cos(tetha) ;
float opposite = hyp * sin(tetha) ;

point (350 - adjacent, yBaseline, zBaseline - opposite) ;

xValues [layer] [increment] = (width/2) - adjacent ;
yValues [layer] [increment] = yBaseline ;
zValues [layer] [increment] = zBaseline - opposite ;
Additional Comment #1 From fry 2009-03-17 09:58

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1212 ***